Granted if this was me, I would have waited a little and most likely I would have chosen to release this particular film on an actual leap year. The gimmick is there of course, but for me I need a little extra something. Maybe it is the cynical single girl within lashing out after sitting through yet another romantic comedy on my own, unable to prevent that horrible little thought that creeps into every single girls mind of "I wish I was here with someone". But this is where I draw the line and apply one of my new years resolutions... (to not let the sight of happy couples make me feel bad about being single)... So I put my single feelings behind me and move on.
Leap Year is a cute story with a little bit of Irish luck. From time to time the story did begin to drag, but it helped that there were a few good actors to keep the film afloat. Amy Adams is a triple threat with in her ever growing career, shining on screen as an actress, singer and dancer. Her comedic timing made her adorable to watch, and even with several weak lines throughout the film she shinned with the Irish look and strawberry blond hair. I guess I'm just a sucker for the Irish, but the pairing of Amy Adams and Matthew Goode was a cute on-screen couple. Matthew Goode may not be a "McDreamy" or "McSteamy", or even a Bradly Cooper, but his charm, gorgeous green eyes and to-die-for accent makes up for all the rest. It was refreshing to see a film where the leading lady realizes she has a thing for "the guy she's not supposed to like" when he has ALL of his clothes on. The chemistry was fun to watch unfold throughout the film. At times it reminded me of Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert in It Happened One Night, when all you wanted was the "fall of the wall of Gibraltar".
Aside from the story, the beautiful Irish country side is a sight to see. Aside from the single girl cynicism of the "I wish I had that...", I could not contain the awe feeling of watching this traveling film. By the end of the film you will want to rush out and purchase a ticket on the next flight to Dublin, jump in a car, and just drive around Ireland just to see the lush greens and history of these shires and villages. It's true that it is all about location, location, location...
Leap Year may not be your choice for top theater going films, but I would highly recommend it for a little cuddle time with your special someone on a snowy or rainy day.
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