Be still my beating heart of horror for this valentine's weekend you have found true love.
I have always been a fan of horror films and stand by the principle that nothing beats the original. Yet I always wondered if/when Universal would make another go at their classics, especially after a trip to Universal Studios two summers ago. February 12, 2010 is a date that will set into motion a movement within the horror genre that will make my heart pitter-patter a little louder and a little faster as it is the release date for the first of several updates to classic horror films. There is just something breathtaking when you are able to watch a monster come to life right before your eyes.

Without giving away any spoilers I will say that a quick line mentioned to describe Hugo Weaving's character Abberline was a slight stretch of the imagination, however it certainly left me scratching my head a little as to why it would be mentioned in the first place. Yes, my horror fan mind started spinning with ideas for the endless possibilities (yet none of them should probably be followed through with). The slightly odd almost Golum-like creature that made several appearances. Some of the dialogue between father and son felt almost straight out of the 1940 films, but getting to see the wonderful and amazing Anthony Hopkins transform into a werewolf made up for any blunder that had been previously made. The cameo appearance of the brilliant make-up artist Rick Baker as one of the gypsy men, yes cheesy but just as great as the Marvel films with their Stan Lee cameos. Other than that I really have no complaints. The film surpassed every expectation I had by leaps and bounds and left me begging for more.
The art and costume departments were brilliant and truly took you back to Victorian England with amazing sets and beautiful costumes. Rick Baker out did himself and gave us a creature we not only recognized but loved for the modernization and update which only added to the scariness and danger of what the wolfman is capable of. Joe Johnston's The Wolfman gave me chills when they were needed, made me feel love and compassion for a dangerous monster, and made my heart skip a beat. All this single girl wanted for valentine's day was a date with one of her favorite monsters and what a perfect date it was. Benicio del Toro and Anthony Hopkins stole my heart and gave me the bloody valentine I wanted, and it was with the grace and class of the beautiful Emily Blunt and a silver bullet that my night ended tragically.
Thank you Universal for bringing back the classic horror films. Bring it on you monsters! I cannot wait the Creature from the Black Lagoon, Dracula and Frankenstein in the next few years.
2010 Wolfman Trailer/Featurette
1941 Wolf Man Trailer
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