Thursday, March 18, 2010

Repo Men -- Review

When it comes to blood and guts I have a relatively high tolerance level. I can handle quite a bit before I start to squirm in my seat, but Repo Men hits that tolerance level within the first five minutes and does not let up. It rips and tears at your insides, slashing, pulling and tugging and just when you think you're about to get a break it starts all over again.

I feel like Universal took a chance with this film, and about half way through either didn't like where it was going or they realized they had no idea where to take the story. The graphic amounts of gore rose to exponential levels and no matter how awesome it was watching Jude Law fight, it reached it's peak of unbelievability long before the end was in sight. The fights sequences were by far the best part of the film as the story itself had so many holes that it was a contact battle not to fall straight through a black hole.

Repo Men is an action packed version of the Saw franchise. The lacking story and weak characters left a huge question mark as we tried to bounce along the story line. It reminded me of one of those children book read along videos with the bouncing ball telling us to keep up with the story. Only problem was that the ball only hit select words so half to story was missing. I had no idea who people were or what their connection was, and yes I'm a strong believer in "a picture is worth a thousand words" but showing us a picture of an adult male and female and a child or two friends with their arms around eachothers shoulders is not always a strong enough connection for us to connect the dots.

On top of the lackluster story, I know the general principle is that in every action story their must be romance, HOWEVER --- (SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT)

However, do we really need an implied sexual scene as a body is being cut open!?!? SERIOUSLY! That was taking the story to a whole new level that I do not know if they intended to take it there, or if that was infact what the director and writer actually meant. I mean sure, give me a film where you slice up a large quantity of bodies while the person is still a live, but do me a favor a leave the smutt for the closets.

Over all I felt the film lacked in several areas. Again I will emphasis that I truly enjoyed watching Jude Law play the bad ass along side Forrest Whitaker, and the girl was decent. But be warned... There is a twist a comin' that you won't be expecting.

On that note I will say that Repo Men is a third person gamers wet dream in movie form. If you are a fan of paint ball or laser tag you will definitely relate. But unless your girlfriend likes violent movies, do her a favor a leave her home for this flick. Maybe it will turn out to be a half decent "dude flick". Unfortunately for me, Repo Men rates a 2.5 out of 5.

Happy huntings all you Repos!

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