The Virginity Hit is a teen comedy that took the tale of four friends on during the two years it took them all to lose their virginity and focused on the one kid who's big head got in the way of his little head.
As I sat through the 86 minute running time all I could think was "MTV did it better". Hard Times of RJ Berger is a funnier, better written, and slightly more eye appealing than this knock off. I know the tale of teen comedies is nothing new. Having lived through the nineties my movie collection is littered with them, but the Y2K stories are lacking something that the 90s, and especially the 80s teen comedies were full of... LIFE.
The relatively short lived tale of Matt and his "epic journey" to losing his v card felt like a 4 hour film. The characters were fun for the first 30 minutes but then it turned into one of those "are we there yet" moments when I just wanted it to be done already. Granted there were no premature ejaculation jokes from his friends which I feel that may have made his journey a little more believable, but then again maybe the high school kids these days don't have the "first time woes" that those that came before had to suffer through. Maybe it's been a while since I've been in the teen world, granted I've only been an "adult" for 5 years, but I miss the raunchy jokes and heckling that were in the earlier teen comedies and things that still exist in the "adult" comedies. It even took a note straight out of an earlier release from this year, yet watching two teens take a page out of She's Out of My League was a bit much too handle. I found it to be a stretch in SOOML but it passed as being so off the wall for 20-something men to be helping out their friends like that, but there is no way two high school teens would give each other a hand like that in the "real world".
Is it wrong of me to ask for a little tradition in my teen comedies? Is it wrong of me to completely dislike the likes of Super Bad (which according to several of the teens in the audience this film was like)? Am I just "too old" to get it?
The only saving grace I found throughout The Virginity Hit was the use of YouTube incorporated from start to finish. Yet some of you whom have seen Kick Ass may think that the transitions from online platform to video image as a copy from the film, I felt that directors Andrew Gurland and Zach Pearlman's choice in transitions was the uniqueness needed to give this little indie project something for us "old folks" to focus on. The images and transition choices pushed the story forward more smoothly than the story itself.
I guess that if I was back in high school or even a freshman in college, and going through similar situations I might find it funnier, but for this film being rated R I feel that it's target demographic may not be able to purchase tickets without an adult or older sibling there to sneak them into the theater. I also wish things had been funnier in the sense things didn't work out quite so perfectly for the boys because NO ONE'S first time goes as smooth as these boys. I'd rather of laughed as their struggle and trials in bed instead of just watching one kid trying to get laid.
Personally this film is for the high school and college aged boys. It is for all the frat boys looking to get their kicks and the high school jocks looking to brag about their hookups. It is not to reflect on a time we once lived as the humor does not quite translate to the older crowds like other teen comedies.
All I can say is that you may want to give this film a shot and make the decision for yourself, but don't say I didn't warn you. I give The Virginity Hits a 1.5 our of 5.
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