Thursday, November 4, 2010

Due Date -- REVIEW

Robert Downey Jr how you break my heart. Not even my love for you can save me from the pains in which you inflicted upon me during Due Date.  Not even my love for the obseenly odd Zach Galifianakis spared me a pain that could only rival that of child birth.  OK, that is probably a bit of a stretch, but I think you get what I am trying to say.

In true Todd Phillips (director) style, this film fits right in with Old School and The Hangover.  Although not as good as The Hangover, Due Date has a handful of scenes that are so over the top you aren't sure if you want to run from the theater or laugh. Zach Galifianakis stays true to himself and leaves you just as uncomfortable as ever watching his outragous character torment the poor expecting father (Downey Jr).  Even though I stuck it out throug the entire film, at times seriously wishing I hadn't, I will say that the only thing I wish it had included was a Mr. Chow.  THAT would have keep me wanting more.

Due Date is a poor attempt of keeping The Hangover fans hungry for more as we wait for the follow-up film to be released.  Yes it will force you to laugh, but you will not feel good about yourself for laughing when you walk out.  If given a choice between Due Date and Megamind (which also opens this Friday), sadly I would go with the animated family film, and save the vulger obsenity that is Due Date until it is released on DVD.  I'm sorry Robert, but do us all a favor and keep to your wonderful role as Tony Stark and Sherlock Holmes, I would much rather watch you kick ass than get your ass handed to you on a platter. 

I give Due Date a 2 out of 5.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how disappointed I feel. I was so looking forward to this movie :(
